Are you new here? Welcome!

I’m thrilled that you are ready to start selling with soul! Scroll down to check out to how we can put some magic into your marketing and get your offerings soul'd.

Want to talk first? No problem! Book your call below.

The Mini: Apply Magic to Your Marketing Instantly

The FREE intro to my foundational method that gets you (and your audience!) aligned to your work. (You’re a 10-min audio recording away from more magnetic marketing.)

The Main Methods: Messaging & Marketing with Integrity

Choose either the self-study version OR the workshop format so that you can create an aligned marketing strategy that you can get excited about.

The Masterclass: (TBD)

Next Masterclass to be determined! Stay tuned!

The Meet-Up: A 90-min 1:1 Marketing Strategy Intensive

 Hello 1:1 with yours truly. We dive into your messaging with this intensive session that gives me the opportunity to sprinkle my magic into your strategy. 

The Mega: The Main Methods + A Half-Day 1:1 Deep Dive with Me

Prefer to have someone figuring things out with you? Enter the Deep Dive Day option where we get to meet for half a day, chat about where you are in your marketing, and then you allow me to put it all together for you.

The Mentorship: Become Divinely Resourced

With your marketing strategy nailed down, it's time to scale up and expand yourself. With the help of The Money Methods, we will unleash your next level prosperity.

Corporate Consulting: For Organizations

Let’s uplevel and elevate your corporate marketing strategy so that you can scale and expand. I'll create a customized proposal based on your unique needs.