The “Juice:” The One Thing Your Marketing Strategy Needs

The “Juice:” The One Thing Your Marketing Strategy Needs

In last week’s episode I quickly mentioned “the juice” as it relates to your passions, and I want to elaborate on that today. 

The juice is the energy that something gives us. 

It’s the life force of it. 

It’s the fuel. 

It’s the things that make you come alive. 

There’s something about them that just fills you up.

When you’re really excited and amped to talk about something… you’ve got the juice flowing. 

When you’ve got something on your mind that you absolutely love thinking about – to the point where it gives you chills… you’ve got the juice flowing. 

When you’re in a state of flow and feeling like you could do that thing forever, you’ve got the juice flowing. 

It’s the hallmark of creation energy.

Now, what am I talking about here? 

Creation energy is the juice of manifestation. It’s what is required. 

Now, let me begin talking about the juice from the lens of my personal life…

If you’ve been listening lately, and if you’ve listened to Episode 17, you know that I went through a pretty rough fourth quarter of 2024 when I was separating from my now ex-husband. 

It was a turbulent time, but due to reasons I talk about within that specific episode, it was essential. 

At a certain point in my marriage, and quite early on I might add, I was putting a lot of my energy towards stabilizing and managing and maintaining someone else. 

This was while I was also having and raising children and taking care of a household on my own and trying to run a business of my own. 

My energy was essentially leaking all over the place. I was being drained and depleted. 

On one hand, I was focused on everyone but me, and on the other, I wasn’t doing anything that gave me the juice. 

So, my juice was essentially drying up. I was dead inside. I barely had a pulse. There was nothing that was making me come alive. 

Now, this also was apparent in my professional life too. The type of work that I was doing for my clients wasn’t fully aligned. It wasn’t what I truly wanted to do. My heart wasn’t in it. It wasn’t giving me the juice. 

And so, over time my business evolved until where it is today which is a place that more accurately reflects who I am and what I stand for and how I want to serve and give my gift. 

Now, during this personal and professional crises, I started to incorporate more of the things that I loved into my life, because at a certain point I realized that I was losing myself. So in my personal life, I began to incorporate my spiritual practices, breathwork, walks in nature, working out, etc. into my daily life, among other things that I enjoy doing. And within my business, I channeled my marketing methods methods – The L.I.F.E Method, The S.O.U.L. Method and The L.O.V.E. Method – and created various offerings featuring them. 

Fortunately, my juice didn’t dry up entirely. In fact, it was trying to turn all the way on. 

But it couldn’t. Which led to the making of Episode 17. 

In that episode I also talk about what has come out of that turbulent time, but it can all be summed up as: I came back to life again. 

I have a newfound excitement for life again. 

My business is going gangbusters. 

My body is aging backwards and becoming stronger, and I’m feeling better than ever. 

I’m attracting people into my life that are lighting me up and making me feel seen and heard and understood.

And all of this is happening without much effort on my part.

And why’s that?

Because the juice makes you magnetic. 

Look at it this way:

If “being in a state of overflow” helps you live in “overflow” and therefore see “overflow” in your reality…

Then why wouldn’t we prioritize the juice?

That’s how we fill ourselves up.

The juice quite literally fills us up to the point of overflow. 

But here’s the thing – the manifestation gurus of the world and pretty much everything that is written about manifestation – focus on the mind, on the thinking of manifesting. 

There’s a lot of focus on your focus – where you’re directing your headspace energy, which by the way, is important. 

But you have other centers in your body that enable creation energy that don’t include your headspace, your mind or your intuition. Can you guess what they are? 

I’ll give you a few hints… 

Where do you feel the “radiating” sensation? Where you feel your heart-centeredness simply blossoming out of you. Your heart right? This is a creation energy region. 

Where do you feel the “gut instinct” sensation? I’m guessing you feel it in your gut. That one is pretty obvious. This is your power center, your solar chakra. This is a creation energy region. 

Where do you feel the “turn on” sensation? I’m guessing you feel it in your sacral area, the area that encompasses your sexual organs. Your womb space for women, which is synonymous with the prostate for men. This is a creation energy region. 

Manifestation is not and cannot be all about the mind. 

It is a full body experience that requires full body alignment. And the creation energy regions listed aren’t all of them. Think about your root chakra, the primal, animal part of us that longs to belong. Think about your throat chakra, your zone of communication and expression. 

Manifestation is a full body alignment and embodiment that gets turned on and turned up by the juice. 

So how do we apply this kind of juice in our businesses?

You’re no longer creating from fear and ego “I’m scared that I need more money.”

You’re no longer expressing from societal expectation “This is the service, the industry, the box I’m in.”

You’re no longer sharing from a wounded or conditioned framework of what’s possible for you.

You’re creating from your soul’s truth, your true self, what you’re dying to express and experience in this life. You’re creating from that place. You’re creating with the Creator. You’re wielding creation energy.

What do you think happens when you start marketing from that place?

In my work, I help you find “the juice” in your marketing, particularly your messaging, because that’s where the magic happens. 

This is the actual transformation you provide. This is the thing about your business that you absolutely LOVE. It’s your passion. It gives you energy. You could do it all day. It makes you feel alive because you come alive. And the people you work with come alive too. It’s the juice. It’s the force behind everything. I help you define the juice. And we do this through my Marketing Methods. 

Now, there are multiple ways you can work with the Marketing Methods. Let’s talk about one way that is available on a monthly basis, and that’s my Group Workshop Series. 

My intention for this workshop series is that each and every attendee will walk away with messaging that is authentically aligned to their purpose, a marketing strategy that they can get excited about, and the confidence and conviction to show up for it. We nail down the juice and once we do that, you’ll finally feel like you’ve got a marketing strategy you can get behind. 

The first workshop is about The L.I.F.E. Method, giving us the aligned words and phrases based on the transformation you provide so that you can speak the language of your ideal clients. There’s no Ideal Customer Avatar exercise here. I don’t touch those, because believe it or not, you know your ideal customer so well, they basically were you at one point. 

The second workshop is about The S.O.U.L. Method, giving us the clarity around the transformation you provide. We connect that dots from where you were to where you are now so that 1) it’s crystal clear to your clients what you can do for them, and 2) you have so much conviction in your purpose and how your soul path and career path collide. Because this is messaging focused, we also create belief-shifting objectives, talking points, and content ideas that light you up (aka the juice) so that you can show up for your marketing with more impact.

The third session is about The L.O.V.E. Method, giving us the action steps required within your marketing so that you have a clear, precise and consistent approach to marketing yourself. This is the nuts and bolts of your strategy, but it’s loaded with your unique approach to how you want to show up, be seen and shine. The aligned action that comes from this will keep the juice flowing. 

Throughout all three of these sessions, I will provide direction and sprinkle my own insights and knowledge into your strategy. 

We will also work through a workbook together that includes extra plug-n-play templates for you to use ongoing.

Finally, you also get lifetime access to my self-study program, The Main Marketing Methods. 

Here’s the point: I help you get the juice out of your business. I help you find it, tap into it, and make it a well of nonstop creative energy so that you can finally build momentum and make a difference. 

Once you get the juice flowing from that, the rest just flows…

Into overflow.

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