What happens when you “get to the heart” of what you do?

Heart-centered marketing: What happens when you “get to the heart” of what you do?

In all of my content, I refer either directly or indirectly to the importance of getting to the heart of what you do. 

It’s the essence of Soul’d – when we get to the truth of why your work matters so much to you and why it could matter so much to those who could benefit from it. 

So often in marketing, we talk about the overarching benefits of our work or the nature and practice of the work itself. If you’re a massage therapist, you’re not selling massage therapy. If you’re a health coach, you’re not selling health coaching. This marketing focus isn’t going to turn heads, no matter how many credentials you have. 

You’re selling the deeper meaning of what you do and why it matters so much to you.

But perhaps you’ll say to me, “But Christina, this “used to” work for me.

Not anymore, I’ll say. Buyer consciousness has evolved, just like ours has. We are all a lot more discerning now. We’re not going to buy something that looks pretty. We want to make sure it aligns with who we are and who we’re trying to become. 

And it goes without saying: Those who are drawn to my work have more than a job. They have a calling. Their soul path and their career path are intricately intertwined. They are passionate about their work. There’s a fire within them that comes alive when they’re doing what they do. It’s truly their purpose and what they believe is destined for them in this life. 

And so now you get to talk about it differently. You get to put some fire behind it. You get to let your passion lead the way in what you say and how you say it. You get to let yourself shine. 

If there’s one thing I want you to remember from me, it’s that your voice is the anchor to your work. People don’t buy a service. They buy the message behind the service. They buy what’s on the other side of that service. They buy into what’s possible for them once they start working with you.

So how do we show them what’s possible? We get to the heart of it. And then we share it with the world. 

When you get to the heart of what you do, you’re using its power to speak for you. Allow me to elaborate on this. I’ve put together 5 results of this type of work, and I hope you find them fascinating. 

Result #1: When you get to the heart of what you do, you move and speak from a place of wholeness. 

You’re accepting of your journey, of how you got to where you are, and the journey really defines you. It’s made you who you are, and so every piece and part of it is meaningful and sacred. This is one of the things that I love about my second method, The S.O.U.L. Method, where we connect the dots of your life through that acronym so that we can build a story around your message and cultivate so much conviction around your messaging. This is where you really start to see your message as the truth of what you stand for as it relates to your work, and I’m there with you intuitively guiding the message as we go.

Result #2: When you get to the heart of what you do, you glow differently. 

There’s an energy that gets transmitted when you’re speaking from your heart. To those of you here that believe that you are heart-centered entrepreneurs, I think you know what I mean. You’re simply radiant with your message because it is simply your truth. It’s you, in your wholeness, yes, but you also from the deepest, most compassionate part of you – your heart. There’s a certain kind of glow that happens with this radiance. You’re simply shining. 

Result #3: When you get to the heart of what you do, you get excited to talk about what you do. 

Imagine for a moment that you get excited to market yourself instead of dreading it. For my clients, this is a regular setback. They feel like marketing is such a drag. They don’t know what to say about what they do. They want to keep it “digestible” for the average person. So, they put themselves in a box. If they do speak up more, they’re afraid to say the wrong thing. And these days, saying the wrong thing can make you feel so misunderstood and therefore not want to show up anymore. But having genuine excitement to show up and market yourself lets you be lighter about saying what’s on your mind. There’s a lot less pressure, a lot less internal noise. And therefore, the outside pressures and external noise don’t matter as much.

Result #4: When you get to the heart of what you do, you become magnetic. 

Listen everyone, the magnetic field produced by the human heart is 100x greater in strength than the field generated by the brain. Yes, our brain is an active player in how we talk about what we do, but when we’re getting our hearts involved, we’re letting people not only hear us, but feel us. You can *feel* the pull of someone who is speaking from their heart. There’s something about them that draws you in. More often than not, it’s the emotion they’re evoking within you. It’s making you feel seen, heard and understood.

Result #5: When you get to the heart of what you do, it feels like home. 

If you’re a part of this collective of Soul’d subscribers or listeners, you’re helping people find home within themselves again. We’re all just walking each other home, back to ourselves, back to our truth, back to our essence. Soul’d does this. In its own way, getting to the truth of how you want to market yourself, is coming home to yourself from this perspective. How are you helping others find a home within themselves? What are you helping them remember? What are you helping them return to? What are you helping cultivate within them? This is getting to the heart of it. It’s the stake in the sand. It’s the moral of the story. It’s the bottom line. This is what we discover together. We come back home to it. 

And so, I’m inviting you once again to experience the magic of what this work does. I’ve got a new line-up of upcoming free intro workshops featuring The L.I.F.E. Method LIVE.

Head to the links below to learn more and book your spot. An hour with me can completely transform your marketing, and you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a shot. 

Click on the link above to watch the latest episode of Soul’d, or listen to it via podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2EXmS5t7jgohMD4P4ZzKEu 

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