Today I want to talk about alchemy as it relates to how we market ourselves.
Now, first I want to say that if you had told me 10 years ago or even 5 years ago or even 2 years ago that I would be talking about alchemy in the marketing arena, I would have never believed you.
But this is where we are as a collective – both energetically and consciously.
And for the people who are drawn to me and my work, they love the notion of alchemy – the intention behind it, the process of it, the unfolding of it, the nature of it – all of it.
Let’s first define alchemy. Google will tell you that it’s a medieval philosophy and early form of chemistry whose aims were the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of a cure for all diseases, and the preparation of a potion that gives eternal youth. It’s also synonymous with wizardry, witchcraft, sorcery, and magic.
When I think of alchemy, I think of an internal transformation that manifests into an external transformation. It’s the moment of magic.
Now, when else have you heard me talk about the moment of magic?
In the actual transformation you provide.
We’ve been taught by the old paradigm of marketing to water down what we do and put it in a box with a pretty bow so that it can be consumed in the easiest possible way.
However, we don’t need to water ourselves down in order to be palatable.
This is because – people are capable. This is important, because the old paradigm of marketing will have you believing that you *need* something, that you are *incapable* of understanding something, of doing something, of fixing something, healing something, creating something on your own. We as a collective have been made to believe that we are incapable.
I call bullshit.
I see this in my own industry when business owners feel incapable of figuring out what to say about their business. So they hire an expert to do it for them. However, little do they know, they need to be an active contributor to that process in order for the message to land and also in order for it to last.
I’ll say it again, in order for your message to land, it has to be something that is real, relatable and rooted within you. And in order for your message to last, it has to be something that is also real, relatable and rooted within you.
When people work with me, they are the ones deciding for themselves what to say about what they do. I simply help them put it in a clear, succinct, and eloquent delivery. We connect the dots together, but it’s their path that we’re walking down. Not mine. Not someone else’s. Theirs.
The methods that I use in all of my containers are roadmaps back to yourself. Back to your heart. Back to the truth of what you do and why it matters so much to you. The message and the strategy always starts with you.
Now, going back to what we were talking about, when we shift our focus towards believing that our audience is capable of understanding the truth of what we do, of what we bring to the table, of how we can help them… when we trust them to know for themselves that they have the capacity to decide what is aligned for them and what is not, then we don’t obsess over making something make sense. It gets to be easy now. It gets to be fun now. That’s the alchemy of this type of marketing. When you get to the truth of what you do, it can be simple.
It’s in our authenticity that produces the magnetism that marketing requires now. We have to be so rooted in what is authentic to us that your authenticity is the alchemy itself. I’ve talked about embodied entrepreneurship so many times, but this is really the truth of it. You being the walking representation of your work is the actual practice of my marketing mantra: show up, be seen and shine.
Now, let’s drill down into the alchemy of the transformation you provide. The moment of magic.
When you get to the heart of what you do – when you talk about that moment of magic where you and the client are completely in flow and you see alchemy happening right before your eyes – you’re defining the actual transformation you provide. It’s the internal transformation that’s happening that manifests into an external one.
You’re defining the alchemy that happens when someone works with you.
It’s what happens within a session, a program, an event, a membership, a package – whatever form it takes. Something happens within the person you’re working with that allows for an external transformation to take form.
This is what my methods, particularly The L.I.F.E. Method, help you achieve for yourself in the marketing of your business. We define the actual transformation you provide by getting to the heart of what you do so that you can talk about it in a way that shows people what’s possible for them. And as a side note, if you want to experience The L.I.F.E. Method for yourself and completely for free, sign up for The L.I.F.E. Method LIVE. It’s completely free and it gives you a taste of what it’s like to work with me.
We don’t practice fear-based marketing around here. We don’t BS our audiences. We are possibility based. We stand in our truth. We are representations of the actual transformation we provide.
Ok, so now that we understand what alchemy is and why talking about what we do as alchemists is important, let’s talk about how we alchemize other elements of marketing our businesses, particularly in how we show up, be seen and shine. Because as you know, I’m a big fan of saying skills transfer. Once you know how to do this, you can do it in any area of life, not just in your business.
So for me, right now, I’m constantly asking myself: How do I transmute (change in form) the energy of a situation, dynamic, relationship, space, mindset, thought process, etc. (literally anything).
What’s required in order to do this?
A solid comprehension and containment of your own energy field, the belief that you can transmute just about anything, and the self-awareness in order to sense what needs to be transformed.
You’ve gotta know yourself.
We’re turning darkness into light.
We’re taking the heaviness and making it lighter.
We’re transforming something that is dense and raising its vibration.
Turning lead into gold…
This is alchemy in the everyday.
Practical magic.
So let’s break it down through a few examples into how we show up, be seen and shine in our approach to marketing.
Many of my clients have a trepidation about what happens as a result of speaking their truth. They’re afraid to put themselves out there. They’re worried about a backlash. They don’t want to be misunderstood.
One way that you can look at it is that being misunderstood is simply the occupational hazard of living and working in a society. It just is what it is.
But that can be a big pill for the empaths and sensitive folks of the world to swallow. It was for me.
Now the great thing about these people is that they have innate ability to know how to alchemize. They just might need a bit of practice. We can’t all be magicians the first time around.
Let’s say you post something on social media and get a bit of criticism in the comments.
First, get excited, because putting yourself out there and getting feedback – regardless of whether it’s positive or negative – means you’re in the arena. It also means you’re receiving some form of energy. People are giving you energy. So, remember this. It’s all energy. You get decide how you take it in.
Second, if it’s perceived as a negative comment, and it’s hitting something within you or making you feel a certain way, lean into letting it slide off you, remembering that the person commenting is commenting based on their own lived experiences, not yours. If it’s truly a troll, just let them troll on through their life. And pray for their healing. That’s all you can really do with those people.
Third, is where we let the alchemy take over. This is where we get to stand in our power and decide how we are going to take the perception of negativity and make it a positive one. One way you can do this is to simply decide for yourself that all energy directed towards you is simply adding to your power. It’s elevating you and propping you up no matter what, because you can’t be brought down by energy that is outside of you. That’s called giving your power away. You want to stay in your power, neutralize the negativity of it, and then letting it build you up.
So, you might say to yourself, “Ok, interesting comment. This person might not get what I’m saying. And that’s okay. I accept that. I appreciate the energy and use it for my highest good. Thank you.”
Or, you might say to yourself with a more introspective approach, “Hmm, this is making me feel a certain way. What is it that it’s tapping on within me? What is it making me think that I’m lacking? Is that the ultimate truth of me? No, I’m pure love, and so is this person. I can accept that. So, I’m sending positive energy their way and bringing it right back into me.”
If you work with guides and angels or anything like that, you can call upon them to assist in the transmutation process.
One thing that I’ve learned with alchemy is that love is the highest power you can work with, and you have to really love something to release it. And no, I’m not telling you to bypass anything or make something toxic love. This is for high level players of the game who understand that love is also synonymous with acceptance and that secure attachment means no attachment. Meaning, your ego is no longer running the show. You let things go. You release like no other. You let things and people just be. This is what happens when you let alchemy and love and soul take over. You’re devoted to a greater vision and unbothered by a comment on a social media post. You’re honoring and respecting your divinity, the divinity of those around you, and the divine itself.
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