5 Truths of Selling with Soul

5 Truths of Selling with Soul

Truth #1: People can no longer be sold to; they must be soul’d to.

In my marketing consulting work, I’m not showing you “how to do things” when it comes to how you sell your business. 

Because I believe all of us who have the calling to step into entrepreneurship have a unique blueprint innate within us for how to show up, be seen and shine. 

So if I’m not teaching you how to market yourself, what am I doing? 

I’m showing you how to let go of everything you think you should be doing – from what society tells you to do, to what that coach said you must do, to what you feel is expected of you. 

I’m showing you a better way which is in fact, your way.

Truth #2: Your journey in *soulful* entrepreneurship is directly proportionate to your journey in personal development. 

Let me tell you – in my journey of entrepreneurship, sh*t has hit the fan more often than not. 

But one thing I know for sure through all of the fires I’ve walked through… 

There’s always a chance to re-align – to get back on track, to start WITH (not start over), to decide what is the next right step for you. 

As with all of my work, my methods are about you. Entrepreneurship is a game of self-discovery, and the more aligned you become, the more empowered you become – to make bigger moves, better choices, and act in complete and total integrity with who you are and who you want to be. 

There’s always a chance to start again.

There’s always a choice that can change everything. 

There’s always the endless possibility of more – more grace, more love, more life. 

Truth #3: Your roadmap to entrepreneurial success is rooted in what you actually *want* to do, not what you *should* be doing. 

Within all the soul-powered entrepreneurs that I’ve either met or worked with – one quality in particular was always a foundational part of who they are and how they operate as business owners. 

And that was their capacity to trust themselves. 

Their intuition and instincts.

Their inner compass.

Their path that they were co-creating. 

The divinity within them and around them. 

Like… ya’ll already know how to do this work. 

I think one of the many reasons entrepreneurs get “stuck” is because they get distracted, side-tracked, or decide that the beaten path is much more safe to travel on. The “shoulds” of the world get a little too loud.

Of course there are many who gone before us and have paved a way…

But it’s still their way.

Can you trust the innate knowing that guides your decisions?

Can you trust the timing and direction of your inspired action?

All of my work as a marketing consulting delves into the depths of self-discovery. 

Because your way to building your business is the only way that matters. 

Truth #4: Manifesting is a result of who you’re being, not what you are doing. 

This goes hand in hand with loving what you are doing so that you CAN be someone who radiates love within their being. 

Let me give you an example. 

Last Spring, I decided to do a fun promo that was entirely led by my own innovation and what sounded cool and fun and inspiring to me. 

I made $2000 overnight. 

It was the same night that my youngest son was admitted to a children’s hospital for a week-long stay due to a medical emergency, called orbital cellulitis. 

Do you really think I was holding “positive vibes” while this was all happening? Hell nah. 

If anything I was being authentic – holding space for both the excitement of what I had accomplished and the fear, sadness and general helplessness for my son’s condition. 

Life happens. It just does. 

And it’s not always lovely and vibey and wonderful when you’re feeling like you’re overflowing with loving thoughts and emotions. 

But you can still hold it all, accept it all, and let go of it all. 

Truth #5: If things aren’t working out in your favor, it’s not that you’re not doing enough. You’re not doing enough of what you love. Loving what you’re doing creates a whole new way of being. 

Lately I’ve been thinking about, “What do I love to do? What lights me the F up?”

And it comes at a time when I’m allowing myself to open to even deeper levels of peace, pleasure and ease. 

As a woman who descends from a lineage of male entrepreneurs, doing things a little differently in business feels exciting, but also wildly terrifying. 

Because there was a time when I would want to do what has worked for those who came before me… Even if it costs me my health, well-being, sanity and happiness. 

They figured out a way and it worked. It involved a lot of control, pressure, and stress, but it worked. 

However, because of my calling, “Soul’d,” that path is simply no longer available to me. 

And so, in discovering what I truly love to do day in and day out, I get to allow my desires to guide me in how I move in every area of my life. 

My methods all help you define and decide how you want to live and work. 

You no longer have to sacrifice, suffer and struggle to survive.

You can love it all and thrive. 

For more information on methods and offerings, head to my website.

Click on the link above to watch the latest episode of Soul’d, or listen to it via podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2EXmS5t7jgohMD4P4ZzKEu 

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