
A Few Thoughts on Gratitude

Dear Reader,

Aside from telling you how grateful I am for you, I want to extend the gift of gratitude to you.

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned over the past few years, as it relates to business ownership and life in general, the practice of gratitude towards others, but especially towards myself, has truly opened up more opportunities and possibilities than anything I’ve ever done.

Allow me to elaborate…

I’m grateful to myself for having the courage to pivot into e-learning. I’m grateful to myself for putting my story out there, rock bottom moments and all. I’m grateful to myself for showing up for what makes me feel good, at peace, and even ALIVE every single day. 

I’m grateful that even though I haven’t reached the mountaintop of my vision, I’m still climbing.

When you think about gratitude this year, don’t forget the gratitude you yourself deserve. 

When I teach others to show up in their businesses, a big part of that is showing up for themselves. The more love you give to yourself, the more you are able to extend it to others. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me, as I help us both show up for this beautiful thing called life together. 

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