Soul-Power Up Your Business - Step 3 Your Message

Soul-Power Up Your Business – Step 3: Your Message

The Soul-Power Up Your Business Series continues today with the drop of the third video all about defining your message.

And what is your message?

This is your proclamation, defined. If you could put your stake in the sand and claim what matters to you about what you do, you are bringing your Soul Message to life. When you decide and define why you do what you do, you let your voice shine in the most authentic and meaningful way.

While your mission defines your why, and your method defines your how, the message is the what.

What are you here to teach others? What are you here to help others accomplish? In what ways can others experience a transformation, if only through your words? What matters so much to you in this life, as it relates to your work?

As a reminder, I’ve simplified the meaning of soul-power as it relates to your business as three elements: your mission, your method, and your message. You need all of these in order to create a meaningful and profitable business.

Over the course of October, November and December, I’m sharing a short pre-recorded video about each of these elements (your mission, method and message), accompanied with questions to help you clarify each element each following week – all within my group on Facebook.

This week, I am releasing the third of three to help you define your message.

Join the Soul-Powered group on Facebook to get access.

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