Soul’d and The New Paradigm of Marketing

Soul’d and The New Paradigm of Marketing

Right now, the cosmos, the collective, the vibe is telling us that the old paradigm of the way we used to live, work and be is no longer working for us. 

In my personal opinion, the collective has evolved over the years into a level of consciousness and a higher vibration than we have ever seen or experienced. I know this is true for me and perhaps it is for you too.  

And when we ascend from a lower vibration into a higher vibration or from a more dense outlook of the world into a lighter outlook of the world, we transcend. 

We tap into our capacity and our ability to transcend from a state of suffering into a state of bliss. 

Often it takes a tremendous amount of suffering to get us to transcend. In the depths of our despair, we look for more love. We pull in more love, because what we want more than anything is to feel the vibration of love. 

And listen, I want to be very clear: you aren’t transcending anything if you’re personally suffering in some way and trying to get through it by maintaining a positive state of being. This is spiritual bypassing. This is toxic positivity. In no way can you transcend anything without fully feeling it. 

And as a collective, we’ve learned to feel. 

We’ve learned to feel our way towards alignment, towards authenticity, towards what we love and don’t love. 

And what we love is paramount right now. It’s quite literally the face of the new paradigm. 

The old paradigm represented a time when we were hustling, grinding away, wearing masks to keep going, efforting way too much for something outside of ourselves – whether it was validation, the avoidance of judgment or criticism, or simply admiration from others. We were letting things slide. We were leaking energetically. We didn’t have boundaries. We let people walk all over us and we took advantage of others. We didn’t think about ourselves. And if we did, it was based on our egos. We did what we should do, what we were obligated to do. We struggled and we suffered simply to survive. 

These are just a few examples of the old paradigm way of life in general terms. 

But we know better now. Many of us know better now, and those are the ones I’m speaking to on the episode. 

I’m speaking to those of you who can no longer maintain anything fake and inauthentic. 

I’m speaking to those of you who desire something better, something more aligned to you. 

I’m speaking to those of you who want to integrate more love into everything you do, into the flow of your business. 

I started Soul’d because I knew there were people who needed this. There were entrepreneurs who needed a way into the new paradigm of marketing. 

My proprietary methods – The L.I.F.E. Method, S.O.U.L. Method and L.O.V.E. Method – are all roadmaps back to yourself – so that you can decide for yourself – how you want to show up and be seen and shine. 

This is the new paradigm of marketing. 

It’s not about what sells anymore. It’s about all the ways in which you can sell with your soul leading the way.

It’s about being radically honest about what you offer to people, in the most authentic way possible. 

It’s about really getting to the truth of your work – and defining it through your voice. Your voice is the anchor to your work. What you say about your work is what matters most in your marketing. 

In the way that I help people market themselves, there’s less focus on their ideal client and who they serve. There’s a roundabout way of getting there through the methods. 

In the way that I help people market themselves, there’s less focus on what the market needs from them and more focus on what they’d love to offer. 

In the way that I help people market themselves, there’s absolutely no cookie cutter approach to marketing. It’s all based on how you desire to show up on your terms, in your way. 

With these methods, we figure out how to increase the flow of love in your business. 


Because if the new paradigm of marketing is allowing us to feel and find more ways to express, share, give, receive love, why wouldn’t we integrate into our business’ more? If we have the opportunity to be more in tune with the energy of love, to be more open to it, why wouldn’t we grab onto that opportunity with everything we’ve got? 

And if love is the highest vibration, why wouldn’t we move from there? Why wouldn’t we let that move us?

Soul’d and The New Paradigm of Marketing

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