Why I Created The L.I.F.E. Method (& Why Alignment Matters)

Why I Created The L.I.F.E. Method (& Why Alignment Matters)

During my really busy weeks with a big workload and lots of projects in the queue, alignment is priority number one. I not only double down at my desk.

I double down on my mat too.

The activities that keep me aligned are what I prioritize no matter what’s in the queue for the week.

Whether it’s meditation, cycle syncing, solo strolls in the sunshine, a sweaty strength training sesh… I put it on the schedule first.

The L.I.F.E. Method makes it possible for me to create a day-to-day based on: me.

Because you can’t show up for your business if you can’t show up for yourself first.

And to be honest…

The moment I started prioritizing myself was the moment everything changed for me.

✨ I showed up for my marriage differently.

✨ I showed up for my kids differently.

✨ I showed up for my relationships differently.

✨ I showed up for my business differently.

I created The LIFE Method because there was nothing else out there that could lead me back to alignment with myself.

A practical approach to creating a new way of being simply didn’t exist.

I wanted something tangible, something I could do on my own, in my own time, and something that would get me aligned and on the right path asap.

What would happen in your life and business if you did the same?

When you don’t prioritize you, your business can’t thrive. Because then you’re unable and unwilling and unaligned to show up for it. 

Despite what a million other coaches will tell you: you are the business. 

You. Are. The. Business. 

So nurture and nourish yourself like you are.

The L.I.F.E. Method quite literally helps you base your entire day-to-day on YOUR source of power, YOUR innate being, and what makes you, YOU.

The things that energize you, that keep you sane, that fuel you and bring you back to your why are the pieces of you that not only sustain you…

They represent the essence of you that you are selling, too.  

What you’re *actually* selling is hidden in the transformation you are representing.

Read that again. (And more on this soon, tbh.)

This is your essence coming alive through your business. This is embodying your work. This is walking the talk. This is the next paradigm of marketing.

Let The L.I.F.E. Method align you to it. 

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