Stop Trying to Fit In When You Already Belong

Stop Trying to Fit In When You Already Belong

The difference between me and most marketing consultants is that I’m not trying to teach you how to fit in. I’m teaching you that you already belong. 

Yes, I can come up with killer campaigns. Yes, I can innovate all the livelong day. Yes, I can come up with some  really great sellable and scalable ideas. But I don’t need to prove my greatness. I want to bring out yours.  

You already have everything you need within you to show up for your business. You are already “soul-powered” – maybe you just need to connect with it, clarify it and finally commit to what you know in your heart. 

How many times have you altered your program or strategy or promo beecause you were influenced by someone else’s? 

How many times have you not said or not expressed something because you were afraid of what someone might think?

How many times have you inauthentically showed up because that’s what you thought you were supposed to do?

It’s about time we got back to the truth and the root of who we are and why we do what we do. 

You don’t have to show up like so-and-so to get leads. You don’t have to do “all the things” to get results. You don’t have to do anything that doesn’t feel aligned to be seen.

(And the people who tell you the opposite of this are most likely doing things that are out of alignment with what they themselves desire too.)

The problem is that we are so pressured to fit in. We allow all the best practices and old conventions and “shoulds” get stuck in our heads and then subsequently wander away from what we know in our hearts.

What if it was safe for you to do things your way? What would you do differently?

Start there.

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