When Marketing Gives You the “Ick”: 5 Marketing Beliefs that Have No Place in the New Paradigm

I talk about the new paradigm of marketing a lot.

And for the most part, the entrepreneurs who are drawn to me and who I’m drawn to know what I’m talking about. They know what kind of marketing I’m talking about that gives them the “ick.”

The “ick” is the forcefulness of it. 

Think about it – when you think of marketing, your thoughts go to either a car salesman or one of these modern-day entrepreneurs who just bombard and blast you with bro marketing strategies that are based on fear tactics. 

They want you to need them. They flat out tell you that you need them. There’s a forceful energy there. 

Here’s my stance on force: Nobody is going to force me to do anything, think anything, believe anything, say anything – the list goes on. 

I can’t even force my 3-year-old to do something. Force just doesn’t have a place anymore.

And of course this is because buyer consciousness has evolved. We’re more discerning now. We are motivated by something different now. And that’s alignment. 

I was reading something recently and the author said we will come to a time when people will not do anything that they do not want to do. They will simply not be forced. If it’s out of alignment with them, they won’t do it. 

My clients know exactly what this is like in terms of marketing. They won’t stick to a marketing strategy unless it’s aligned to them. They need to be aligned with what’s being said and how it’s being said, and if it doesn’t feel right to them, they’re simply not going to show up for it. 

Which is a wonderful thing in this new paradigm. 

Because now in the new paradigm they will show up for something different – something more empowered, something more aligned, something they can embody.

Let’s dive into 5 marketing beliefs that have no place in the new paradigm.

“Be consistent; never stop marketing.” New Paradigm: Take the sacred pause.

I stopped marketing myself for months at a time, multiple times, while I was re-aligning myself to what I truly wanted to do and what I knew was true about my work. 

Entrepreneurship is a journey of self-discovery and it’s not a straight line. 

But you’re always moving towards alignment. When I started my business back in 2013, I was aligned. When I offered all those services that I don’t offer now, I was aligned. When I pivoted my offerings, I was aligned. It’s simply a journey, just like life. 

And those who have followed me along this journey know that I have taken many (sacred) pauses.

To review. To reassess. To realign. 

But for some reason there’s so much shame in those pauses.

Like, how dare you run a business and put it on pause.

I’ve been on the receiving end of that type of shaming, and from those in the “spiritual” industry no less.

But I realized that their criticism was what they’d give to themselves if they were in my shoes. It’s not mine to hold.

The truth is, I found my power in the pause. 

Parts of me died in the pause, and I rebirthed myself in the pause. Into the version you’re meeting today. 

So if you’re in a season of “pause,” I get it. And, you’ll get no shame from me.

We’re in a time when we’re realizing that the pause is more often than not, essential.

Because we’re remembering a new kind of power…

One that’s rooted in what truly aligns. 

“Keep your work and your passion separate.” New Paradigm: Integrate.

All of the people who find me and work with me have their career paths intricately woven into their greater soul path. Their work is a reflection of a deeper mission and purpose that is rooted within them. And so their profession is truly their passion, despite the fact that we’ve been taught that work and passion must be treated separately.

It’s different. It’s a new paradigm.

This, in turn, has created discord in the way we show up to talk about our work. Most, if not all, of these “soulpreneurs” that I’ve worked with feel completely out of alignment when they market themselves.

We get pushed to put things in a box. For example, I put myself in the box of “marketing consultant” all of the time. When you get asked what you do, the labels, identities and industries are the first that come to mind. Because we want to be understood from a general perspective. Even though what I do is so much more nuanced and expansive, I’m still technically just a marketing consultant. However, if you head to my website or listen to my podcast, you’ll find that my type of marketing is atypical and what I offer and stand for is not the norm. 

Our passions carry “the juice,” I like to call it. I’m going to be talking about the juice in my next episode but it’s essentially the energy something gives us. It’s the life force of it. It’s the fuel. It’s the drive. It’s the thing that makes you come alive. And more often than not, it’s because you love it. Like, really, truly love it. That’s why you get the juice from what you’re passionate about.

We need the juice in order to become more magnetic. That’s the secret. Alignment is felt. It’s something we feel in our bodies, in our bones. And we have to convey that when we talk about the incredible work we do. 

“Get advanced and complex with your content.” New Paradigm: Simplify.

This is something that always comes up in my 1:1s. My clients talk about what happens in their sessions or on their tables, and they roll over it as if it’s no big deal. IT IS. More often than not, I can pick up on content topics and themes that are just so obvious to you that you forget they’re so impactful to someone consuming it. 

For example, this podcast right here. I would totally think that everything I’m saying today is what people already know. However, more often than not, people tell me: “what you said on your podcast the other day was so impactful to me; it opened me up to an entirely new way of thinking about something.”

So if there’s an element about your work that seems obvious to you, or if you feel as though certain things don’t need to be said because everyone already knows that, think again and simply say it. Because it’s coming from you now. And you’re going to give it your own spin, your own twist, your own magical way of translating it to others.  

“Don’t get personal.” 

Listen, you have overcome something that you now help others overcome. This needs to be spoken. Loud and clear.

This isn’t about over-sharing. I think you know the difference between sharing a scar and sharing the wound as it’s bleeding out. There’s a massive difference in clarity, eloquence of delivery and the understanding of it. 

I think when offer the advice to not get personal, they themselves have felt triggered by either over-sharing themselves OR being on the receiving end of someone over-sharing. They’re talking about true vulnerability. Because true vulnerability is courageous. It’s brave. It’s when you’re no longer wearing certain armor because you’ve fully let it go and you don’t need it anymore. You’re not protecting anything anymore. 

For me, I started becoming more vulnerable with my content when I realized that the lessons I’ve learned are so valuable and can be so impactful to someone else. 

If I were still in a place where I was actively hiding myself and afraid of being seen aand scared of what people thought of me speaking my truth, it would come out weird. And I would still have a protective barrier within me and around me preventing me from speaking to the actual truth of it. The truth is found in the gratitude that comes on the other side of suffering. 

And so vulnerability is essential. That’s the spot where people can feel it. They need to feel you in order to be aligned with you. 

And more often than not, people want to work with people who are real and relatable and rooted in what matters to them so much about what they do. 

“Only sell: You can get richer. You can get prettier. You can get skinnier. Oh and you can get your ex back.” 

It seems that all marketers think we care about is money and love and weight loss and being desirable. 

If we get really clear, more often than not, what we’re really after is inner and outer peace. 

And in this new paradigm, it starts within. 

If you’re here, you’re part of a collective that are walking each other home. That’s what we’re called to do here. Walking us back home to ourselves. Back to remembering who we are, our magic, our light. 

I belong to Tribe, a community, which is largely comprised of bodyworkers and coaches and therapists… so, healers, essentially.

But do I still belong? Yes. 

Because the way that I approach marketing consulting and strategy is quite healing for people. 

No, it doesn’t say healer in my bio. But if you work with me, I set you free from an outdated and broken approach to marketing. I help you align with your messaging so that you can talk about it in a way that resonates with you and your clients. I help you feel empowered with your strategy because it’s how you truly desire to shine. I help you do all of this through my methods that are rooted in self-discovery. You don’t discover my way of doing things; you discover yours. This is healing for business owners who feel completely out of alignment with what marketing has been. I show a new way.

If we’re all just walking each other home, what’s the path you set for others?

I promise, it’s not about the money, the love, the relationships, the dream body. Those might be byproducts of your work. But there’s something deeper there. There’s something that needs to be said that dwells in your heart as it relates to what you do.

New Paradigm Marketing: The Workshop Series

My Workshop Series is now open for enrollment. The next cohort is in March. Let’s talk about what this is and what you get out of it.

My intention for this workshop series is that each and every attendee will walk away with messaging that is authentically aligned to their purpose, a marketing strategy that they can get excited about, and the confidence and conviction to show up for it. 

With the help of my three proprietary methods, we discover and define the actual transformation you provide so that you can sell something real, relatable and most importantly, rooted within you.

This is what it means to sell with soul in the new paradigm of marketing. 

The first session will be about The L.I.F.E. Method, giving us the aligned words and phrases based on the transformation you provide so that you can speak the language of your dream clients.

The second session will be about The S.O.U.L. Method, giving us the clarity around the transformation you provide, including belief-shifting objectives, talking points, etc. so that you can show up for your marketing with more impact, conviction and soul.

The third session will be about The L.O.V.E. Method, giving us the action steps required within your marketing so that you have a clear, precise and consistent approach to marketing yourself.

Throughout all three of these sessions, I will provide direction and sprinkle my own insights and knowledge into your strategy. We will also work through a workbook together that includes extra plug-n-play templates for you to use ongoing.

So you get the 3 workshops, which are 2 hours each, plus access to the self-study program which is a $100 course on my site alone. All workshops take place on Zoom.

And in case you’re interested in more support, an option for up to 3 90-minute 1:1 calls with me is available at a discounted rate of $155 per call. These are paid separately.

There are only 4 spots available per cohort, so book soon! Check it out HERE

When Marketing Gives You the “Ick”: 5 Marketing Beliefs that Have No Place in the New Paradigm

Click on the link above to watch the latest episode of Soul’d, or listen to it via podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2EXmS5t7jgohMD4P4ZzKEu 

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