How My Philosophy of Marketing Did a Complete 180

How My Philosophy of Marketing Did a Complete 180

My philosophy of marketing went topsy turvy because of my hero’s journey. 

For me, when you read or listen to my hero’s journey, you’ll witness:

The feeling of hope & possibilities I experienced in becoming a business owner…

The way my business spiraled as the more “aligned” I became…

The moment when I decided enough was enough. I was no longer going to teach the BS marketing tactics that I was taught…

The darkness… The prayer… The light that seeped in through the cracks as I began to create new ways of marketing…

The becoming of someone new, as a result of accepting and allowing the movement to come alive…

The making and essence of soul’d and what it truly means to sell with soul.

The heart of my business is reflected in my methods and ways that I deliver my service. 

But the true meaning of it is apparent only in the story of how I became my own hero.

…And how I empower others to become theirs.

Defining and sharing your hero’s journey isn’t just a nice way to prop up your business. 

It anchors the whole thing.

It’s the message you always bring it home to, the moral of the story that makes you memorable. 

It’s what compels people to want to get to know you and then buy from you. 

It helps you “speak their language.” 

We remember stories more than anything. And while buyer consciousness has evolved, people still buy from people. 

Let’s write yours. 

Join me for a Masterclass at Tribe on Tuesday, May 21 from 12pm to 1:30pm. We will each draft our very own hero’s journeys in an Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 framework, so that you can level up your messaging and truly sell something that matters to you. 

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