How to Create More “Flow” States in Your Life & Business

How to Create More “Flow” States in Your Life & Business

There are two types of flow that I’m going to talk about today.

The first form of flow is the one that is achieved when you are fully immersed in a task and you’ve basically completely forgotten about the outside world. You also feel happy and in control and even more productive and creative. 

Has this happened to you before? 

When you need to achieve this state of flow, I want you to consider these suggestions:

  1. Choose work that you love. I mean this even in regards to the marketing work you do too. If you dread something, you’ll have a really hard time getting into flow with it. And listen, I know that not all of us like the idea of marketing, but I truly believe that there is something you can do that is marketing-related that you actually enjoy. And perhaps it takes some brainstorming to figure out what that is, but if you pretend as if there are no rules in marketing, then you have the opportunity to get really creative.
  2. Find your quiet, peak time. This is the time of day when you actually have the time, flexibility and space to work on the tasks you need to work on. For me, this is when my son is napping. I literally have a gearing-up phase for this so that I am at my most productive and conscious. I will most likely make a cup of green tea or coffee. I’ll most likely meditate. And I will definitely set up my space in a way that is thoughtful and not chaotic. 
  3. Relish in the feeling of flow. When you lose yourself in this type of flow, it’s truly amazing. It feels so good to pour yourself into something that is worthwhile. Acknowledging the feeling of flow makes it easier for it to return to you. So, when I’m sitting there and the writing is so easy and just coming out of me, I get aware and conscious of that. And I say to myself, this feels so great to feel this way. And being aware of my state of mind in this conscious way, helps me dive into the feeling of flow more quickly each time and also makes it last longer. 

The second form of flow is the one that you experience day in and day out. It’s the feeling that you are truly in flow with your life. Imagine lying on your back in a stream. Flow is when you’re just moving along with the current. You’re not flailing or trying to swim upstream. You’re just moving along with the water. You want to “be like water,” which means be changeable and adaptable, and most importantly flowing in the direction you’re meant to go.  

I wanted to provide a few tips here as well that I’ve learned from spiritual teachers. 

  1. When you think you’ve surrendered, surrender more. When you think that you’ve given it all up to the Universe or God or your angels, release it even more. So, when I’m worried about anything, I release the need to control the outcome and the how, and I completely surrender with the knowing that I will be okay. 
  2. Consider your Middle Space. This is something I learned about recently, but it has helped me tremendously. This is the state of mind where we are our most centered and aligned selves. So, this is when we have perspective. Our energy isn’t moving too far one way or the other. It’s neutrality. You essentially distance yourself from the highs and lows and that you might experience so that you can get a clear perspective of how your beliefs and habits might cloud your vision or how your actions might work against your true desires – all judgement-free. 
  3. Consider the 3 Ps of Perseverance. This is a sneak peak to a module in my upcoming signature program that I’m launching soon, but the 3 Ps of Perseverance are Power, Patience and Persistence. When you combine all three, and embrace them on your journey, you truly become unstoppable. So consider those words and how you might need to uplevel any one of them in your life. Perhaps you need to exhibit more patience, or maybe you need to step into your power more, or maybe you just need to remember to be persistent. 

How do you step into a state of flow?

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