Path of Inspiration = Path of Least Resistance

Path of Inspiration = Path of Least Resistance

Believe it or not, the path of inspiration wasn’t on my radar until my early 30s. I used to have a heck of a time figuring out what inspires me, and I used to find consolation in the fact that so many others did too.

How we got here isn’t hard to figure out… We’ve simply grown up in a culture that seldom focuses on inspiration. Instead, we focus on taking the “safer route” of job security, and if we are brave enough to start our own businesses, we look to what others have done and follow their steps for building them. 

So many of us are under the illusion that the path of inspiration is the riskier path. Why? Because of the unknown. Because nobody has walked it yet. I’m here to tell you that the path of inspiration is actually the safest path of them all.

Because when you follow your bliss, you’ve got God, the Universe, and all the forces that be on your side. Opportunities arise. Synchronicities abound. Miracles happen. 

Have you noticed work is easier when you are inspired? Have you noticed that work is more exciting when you are inspired? Have you noticed that wonderful coincidences and circumstances happen like magic when you are inspired? Have you noticed how much more “in flow”  and free and alive you feel when you are inspired?

No matter where you are on your journey, you can redirect and detour to the path of inspiration. I’m here to help you do that.

My Soul-Powered Business Program opens for enrollment in just a few weeks. This program features my proprietary methods, the L.I.F.E. Method, S.O.U.L. Method and L.O.V.E. Method.  (These are the methods that lead you to your inspired path and then set you up to go full speed ahead.)

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