I started Soul’d in an effort to make marketing more soulful. My “stake in the sand” is that people can no longer be sold to; they must be soul’d to.
All of the people who find me and work with me have their career paths intricately woven into their greater soul path. Their work is a reflection of a deeper mission and purpose that is rooted within them. Their profession is truly their passion, despite the fact that we’ve been taught that work and passion must be treated separately.
This, in turn, has created discord in the way we show up to talk about our work. Most, if not all, of these “soulpreneurs” that I’ve worked with feel completely out of alignment when they market themselves. Put it this way: they get the “ick” when it comes to marketing.
What they’re missing is the opportunity to speak to the soul of their work, the essence of it. They need to get to the heart of what they do so that they can share the actual transformation they provide with confidence and conviction.
They weren’t meant to market themselves using a broken and outdated approach.
They were meant to show up for it in a way that is soulful too.
And Soul’d shows them the way – not my way, not another person’s way, their way.
One way that you are invited to get to know about Soul’d and what I do for free is through The L.I.F.E. Method LIVE workshop. I host these in-person and online on a regular basis.
And, it’s something you can always come back to, if you’ve done it before. It just keeps getting better, because as you evolve, everything else does too, including the way you market yourself.
If you haven’t heard of The L.I.F.E. Method before, let me give you five ways that it makes your marketing more magnetic.
Number 1: The L.I.F.E. Method is what gets you speaking the language of your ideal client. The way that you are aligned to your work is exactly the way that your clients are aligned to your work. Yep, you read that correctly. The more you get clear on what makes you come alive with your work is exactly the same spark that’s going to turn on within the people you serve.
Number 2: The L.I.F.E. Method is the roadmap to YOUR success, not somebody else’s, or more specifically, mine. If you’re looking for a magical path to making money in your business, you’ve got to look within. YOU are the magical path. YOU are the way forward. The L.I.F.E. Method brings it out of you.
Number 3: The L.I.F.E. Method helps you see the actual transformation you provide because it’s the one you’ve achieved for yourself. It’s the transformation that is so deeply ingrained within you that you can feel it in your bones. The way you describe this transformation is so pivotal and paramount to your success that it’s quite literally the make-or-break point.
Number 4: The L.I.FE. Method makes your marketing so much easier, because it allows you to finally talk about your work in the way that you LOVE to talk about your work. You will never run out of content ideas! If you’ve achieved for yourself what you now help others achieve, what could be easier to sell than that?
Number 5: The L.I.F.E. Method sets you up for embodied entrepreneurship. This is where you represent the transformational nature of your work and show up in a way that is totally aligned to it. You are now selling something real, relatable and rooted within you.
And, it goes without saying – the way that I teach it is fun, interactive and so soul-opening, you might just walk away crying tears of joy. That’s happened before too.
Click on the link above to watch the latest episode of Soul’d, or listen to it via podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2EXmS5t7jgohMD4P4ZzKEu
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