Soulpreneur 101: Go with the Flow

Soulpreneur 101: Go with the Flow

The ultimate soulpreneur superpower: going with the flow. Because, sometimes life requires you to step away. 

And that’s okay. You’re still acting in alignment. You’re still moving in integrity.

The ones out there shaming you for doing so are doing that because that is what they would do to themselves.

My particular journey of entrepreneurship has demanded a certain level of letting go…

Of outdated practices…
Of broken systems…
Of false beliefs…
Of old versions of me…

I’m writing this blog in a trampoline park. My oldest finished pre-school. My youngest is at daycare. There’s kids music blasting, lots of screaming, and arcade games ringing.

Hello summer! 😂

This is for my fellow soulpreneur buddies (particularly those with kids) who are navigating the transition from school routines into summer mode.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Trust yourself. And your capabilities.  

That’s the wonderful thing about being a soulful entrepreneur.

🔥 You get to let your soul lead the way.
🔥 You get to trust it.
🔥 You get to let go of any resistance to it.

Because the more you flow with the current of your life, the more peaceful it gets.

So, even with the noises blaring in the background, I can still feel my heart beating, my son laughing, and my joy radiating.

The best decisions I ever made were the ones I made for myself – without input, opinions, and projections from people who have their own set of beliefs they work in.

Decide what you can hold, what you can handle, and what works the best for you.

And move from there. ❤️

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