If you’re helping people heal themselves, transform or achieve greatness, you’ve got more than a job.
You have a calling.
In last week’s blog, I talked about how the people who are drawn to me (and I to them) have their soul’s path intricately tied to their career path.
There is a deeper part of their work that reflects a deeper part of them.
A deeper truth.
The way you are aligned to your work is directly related to how your audience is aligned to your work.
Meaning: the spark others feel when they resonate with you is the exact same spark that makes you come alive when you’re doing what you do.
This moment of relatability is the pivotal moment of our marketing strategies.
It’s the moment when you’re saying “I get you. I *know* where you’ve been. I *know* what you’re struggling with. Because I’ve been there, too.”
It’s the moment when you’re putting your stake in the sand and claiming what matters to you so much about what you do.
It’s the moment when the truth of your heart meets the strength of your work.
And you’re *free.*
You no longer need to over-explain things like your credentials, the overarching benefits, the modalities you use, or the industry itself.
You no longer need to feel like you’re compromising your energy, your boundaries, your authenticity, your integrity.
You no longer need to think about “what sells,” but rather “what aligns” when it comes to talking to potential clients, writing an e-newsletter, or creating a marketing campaign.
You are finally free from an outdated and broken approach to marketing so that you can talk about what you do in a way that is so rooted within you – it simply radiates from you.
This in turn helps you show up in a more aligned and embodied way.
Because let’s be real: You’re not going to show up to market yourself if you’re not aligned to what you’re saying and how you’re saying it.
If you have a calling, not a job, there’s a better way to market yourself.
And believe it or not, it’s your way. We just gotta bring it out of you.
Click on the link above to watch the latest episode of Soul’d, or listen to it via podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/show/2EXmS5t7jgohMD4P4ZzKEu
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