CGC - Transforming Your Unique Selling Proposition

Transforming Your Unique Selling Proposition

In a previous blog, we talked about your unique selling proposition and how it impacts your overall business message. It is essentially what makes your brand different. It’s what makes it uniquely yours. It’s absolutely essential to identify this if you want to market your business effectively.

The secret to finding what makes you unique is not only obvious but easy as well – it’s all about you. You have to quite literally build YOU into your business. By you, I mean your personality, your style, your quirks, your unique stories and your values. After all, there is only one you, and nobody can compete with something that is purely you. The way to bring this idea to life is through your unique selling proposition, or USP.

The USP, according to Entrepreneur Magazine, is: “The factor or consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition.” I like to take this one step further and say that the USP is: “the uniqueness of the seller themselves that sets them apart from the rest.”

You can figure this out through several ways, and my signature program includes all of them. However, for now, make a list of 20 things you love, things you’re passionate about – even those little quirks that you may find silly! Some of the things you come up with (particularly through the list of 20 things you love) may seem insignificant, but these details actually have the potential to enhance the customer experience, or help you build your culture, or even help your brand become more memorable.  

For instance, if you love the color pink, perhaps there are ways you can infuse pink into more of your color scheme and throughout your business’ brand. All of a sudden, your business is even more uniquely you. Another example could be related to a charitable cause you love, for instance, dogs. Say you love dogs and one of your services includes an option for customers to donate a portion of your sales to a local dog shelter in your community.

The opportunities are endless! The bottom line is that these special aspects of your business that are uniquely you will inevitably help you connect more with your prospects and allow them to spread word about you.

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