You Are Making a Difference - Trust Me!

You’re Making a Difference – Trust Me!

Over the past few weeks, I surveyed my community (which is something I typically do, mid-summer.) I do it to see how I can recharge my content, rejuvenate my messaging, but mostly to see if what I am doing is making a difference.

The turnout of responses was the largest of my career.

One of the questions on the survey was, “What is one thing you love learning from me?”

And the responses included the following:

  • Following your passion, facing challenges.
  • Everything I know about you.
  • To stay in line with my passion and calling.
  • Being non judgemental about people’s fears and breaking it down into manageable, non-intimidating steps.
  • Your message is really important, to stay authentic to yourself.
  • You inspire me to want to stretch myself while also being compassionate. I don’t feel judged, which can be paralyzing. 
  • I love that you are committed to your business and that you continuously show up. I also like your newer messaging around being yourself and not copying others.
  • You are just such a guiding light for those of us who feel lost and alone in the world of entrepreneurship. 

Wow. Beaming.

The point of this is not to toot my own horn (even though I am proud of myself for being 100% responsible for this feedback), it is also a loving reminder that what you put out into the world matters.

You are being seen, even if you feel invisible. 

You are being heard, even if the outside noise feels loud. 

You are making a difference in someone’s life, even if the impact feels small. 

Keep going. Spread your light. The world needs it. 

I’m here for it, cheering you on. 

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