3 Daily Critical Tasks to Soul-Power Up Your Productivity

3 Daily Critical Tasks to Soul-Power Up Your Productivity

My goals for this year aren’t just to “do this” and “do that.” I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in being busy just for the sake of being busy. Unfortunately, critical tasks and productivity these days looks a lot like being busy. 

Today I’m sharing three tips that will not only improve your productivity, but it will help you identify three soul-powered critical tasks that you can do every day to reach your goals.

I am personally a creature of habit. I love a good routine, and I’m one of those people that is oddly good at sticking to something once I say I will. That’s simply how I operate, but I know that this isn’t the same for everyone. It actually took me a few years to make my routines not only efficient but also effective at bringing me closer to success.

Ask yourself: how many of your critical tasks are you doing simply just for the sake of doing them? How often are you doing something just because you said you would, without thinking about the reason behind it? Are your routines and habits and rituals actually driving you towards success?

It is the last question: “Which habits are driving me towards success” that really changed how I thought about productivity and creating critical tasks. So, I’ve created a quick formula to help you think differently about productivity so that you can create those daily tasks that will actually get you to where you want to go. And of course… I’ve soul-powered it up for you.

  1. Identify one task that will get you closer to feeling more at ease and at peace, day in and day out. Perhaps this is a walk outside. Perhaps it’s a daily workout. Perhaps it’s a meditation. What is the one action you can take every day, for at least 10 minutes out of your day. This is one critical task you must do daily. Write it down, and challenge yourself to stick to it for 30 days. 
  2. Identify one task that will get you closer to making more money in your business. Perhaps you post in a different Facebook group every day and share your freebie. Perhaps you DM a new follower on IG every day and introduce yourself. Perhaps you pitch to a new podcast show every day to be featured. Whatever you choose – this is another critical task you must do daily. Write it down, and challenge yourself to stick to it for 30 days.
  3. Identify one task that will benefit another person or cause. This one should be super easy, and it should feel really good too. Perhaps you donate $5 to a new charity every day. Perhaps you smile at 5 strangers every day. Perhaps you make breakfast for your partner every day. This would be one more critical task you must do daily. Write it down, and challenge yourself to stick to it for 30 days. 

Want to soul-power up your life and business? Challenge yourself to be productive in ways that actually matter. This isn’t about being busy. This isn’t about crossing things off your to-do list. This is about getting you closer to your dream life and business than you have ever been before – by taking actions that are aligned with who you are and where you want to be. 

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