Sharing Your Story in a Hero's Journey Framework

Sharing Your Story in a Hero’s Journey Framework

I’m guessing you didn’t just pick your career on a whim. There’s something there, and maybe you haven’t even realized it yet, that drew you to the thing that you do. There’s a greater purpose there, and therefore a greater reason. We all have a reason for being and we all have a reason for teaching what we teach, sharing what we share and practicing what we practice. The way to figure out this reason is by connecting the dots in an effort to put your story together – more specifically, your hero’s journey. 

Think about the people that you follow or the successful entrepreneurs that inspire you. What is it about them that you remember or that has left a mark on you? I’m guessing it’s their story, and it typically falls within this hero’s journey category. I’m going to provide a description of the hero’s journey now, from the perspective of a theatrical presentation. 

Act I is the start of the hero’s journey. This is where the main character is called into a journey. Somehow they have received a sign, or a message, or a task at hand that must be achieved. This doesn’t have to be told to them or sent to them. Often times, it comes from within them. It’s a calling that they hear within themselves, and they know they have to answer it. At the very end of this act, something challenging happens. This challenge is usually an obstacle of some sort that or perhaps it is in itself a journey or process that the main character must endure. The character always accepts the challenge.

Act II is challenging for the main character. It represents the timeframe in which they look for every comfortable way to solve the problem they are facing. Whatever obstacle they must overcome or struggle they must endure, the main character will look for every possible way that they can get to where they want to be without risking it all. This can take a very long time. It’s incredibly uncomfortable to let yourself get outside of your comfort zone. But eventually, and inevitably, the main character comes to a point, which is the lowest point of the story, and realizes, “I must be vulnerable in order to solve the problem.” 

Act III is the mountaintop of the hero’s journey. This is where the main character learns the lessons and proves that they have through their actions. This is where they are brave. They demonstrate courage and faith and the “knowing” that they will succeed. They are aware of exactly what they have to do in order to excel and reach their desired goal, and they do it, wholeheartedly and fearlessly. They are conquering their deepest fears and taking complete ownership of their calling. They’ve accepted themselves and their abilities. They are fulfilling their potential. 

Your hero’s journey is relevant to your business because what you’ve grown through is typically what you are inspiring others to grow though. It’s related to your purpose and is reflected in your brand story. You’ve connected with their audience in a way that is relatable, inspiring and even transformational. You’ve built credibility and trust because you’ve been so vulnerable in sharing their paths. Furthermore, you’ve established their uniqueness by the only thing that no one can compete with – your unique story. 

What is your hero’s journey and how can you share it in a way that is relevant to how you serve others? 

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