Are you selling the right thing?
Because you might be selling yourself short.
Time and time again I see passionate and purpose-driven business owners selling the modalities they integrate or the overarching benefits of their work.
They sell anything and everything but the actual transformation.
You’re not selling massage therapy. You’re not selling energy work. You’re not selling therapy.
What is the transformation that happens to someone when they work with you?
How is their Lifestyle different now?
How has their Identity shifted now?
How have their Feelings changed now?
How is their Expression enhanced now?
(P.S. That’s The L.I.F.E. Method.)
When you do this type of work, you’re discovering all of the ways that the nature of your work transforms another’s life.
That’s why we’ve chosen to serve.
I stumbled upon this quote the other day: “I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I woke and found that life was service. I served and found that service is joy.”
Give yourself more credit. Give your transformation more credit. Don’t sell yourself short. That transformation that you give to others through your work? That is magic. And it only exists because of you.
I’ve set up a new offering for new clients only – $50 for 50 minutes with me.
In this 50 minutes together, I’ll help you figure out what you’re actually selling, so that 1) you can truly sell with soul, and 2) sell more of it to the right people.
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