Being an Entrepreneur: Giving Value to the Contraction Before the Expansion

Being an Entrepreneur: Valuing the Contraction Before the Expansion

Happy Holidays, fellow entrepreneur! Before I sign off for the remainder of the year, I wanted to wish you a magical end to 2022.

And thank you for being here with me. 

I wanted to also let you in on what I’ll be focusing on over the next few weeks in case it inspires you to do the same.

The one thing that I’ll be focusing on is… me.

One thing I know to be true about my business is that it is intrinsically tied to my soul work here in this lifetime. It’s not just something I do to make money. It’s a representation of my bigger purpose. 

And therefore, the spirit of my business is directly related to and impacted by my very own spirit.

To nurture me is to nurture it. 

To nourish me is to nourish it. 

To allow myself to contract… is to allow it to expand. 

And if I know anything about you it’s that your work as an entrepreneur is also a reflection of who you are, of what you stand for, of your own legacy.  

So, if you are able to, give yourself the time and space for the contraction. 

Go within. Reflect on the lessons of this year. Think about how far you’ve come. Celebrate what you have achieved. 

And then in 2023, when you are ready to emerge once again, allow yourself to expand. 

Try something new in the way you show up. Think of the possibilities, the collaborations, the opportunities. Start the new year with a fresh focus, a new chapter, a new and exciting beginning.

Because the time has come for big-hearted and purpose-driven healers like yourself to take your place at the forefront of the entrepreneurial world. 

And I’m going to help get you there.

To our greater expansion and lasting impact.

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