How to Show Up Intentionally During a “Slow Down” Time

How to Show Up Intentionally During a “Slow Down” Time

Tis the season to… Work? Play? Be merry? And bright? How will you show up?

I took a poll on Instagram not too long ago to find out how my community was planning to show up over these six weeks of the holiday season. 

When I was in the corporate world (mind you, over 15 years ago), we’d be wrapping up year-end projects, coming up with ideas for the following year, and *really* taking it easy. 

This has transferred into my entrepreneurial world quite seamlessly. 

I absolutely *love* the holiday season. It was always a magical time of year for me, and now that I have two young and adventurous boys of my own, I am (as I like to call it) the keeper of magic for them during the holidays. 

So inevitably, as my event calendar fills up, my work calendar slows down. 

However, this doesn’t mean that I’m putting my business to bed and waking it up again come 2023. 

Instead, I’m intentional about how I show up for it right now. 

For me, right now, this looks like:

  1. Maintaining my consistent content marketing strategy.
  2. Maintaining my current client queue and workflow. 

But I am also:

  1. Reducing my working hours so that I can enjoy the magic of the season with my boys. 
  2. Wrapping up a few projects for clients and for myself.
  3. Thinking about 2023 mindfully, without strategizing too much. (Over-planning has become somewhat out of alignment with me.)

Which also gives me time to go deeper with myself. And this looks like:

  1. Daily movement, specifically hot yoga, to release 2022 and make space for 2023.
  2. Daily breathwork to again release 2022 and make space for 2023. 
  3. Daily journaling to (again!) release 2022 and make space for 2023. 

This is how I’m showing up intentionally right now. 

What about you? I’d love to know what you’re up to. Share with me on Instagram!

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