The Divine Spark is Where It's At

The Divine Spark is Where It’s At

Have you been feeling the divine spark yet?

Since early Spring, as a collective, we are enduring deep and profound moments of fear and uncertainty that makes us question our faith. We are being stretched by the pressure and discomfort that life inevitably brings.

But, listen: there’s always hope. Within you.

🌟 It is through surrendering to our own divine spark that we are divinely resourced. 🌟

Your marketing message, strategy, and scalability comes from this place – this innate knowing, this truth.

This is your power. This is what moves you. This is the life force energy that wants to guide you to your deepest fulfillment.

Anyone or anything that coaches or guides you away from this is not empowering you.

To some degree, we are all realizing and coming to terms with the ways that we give our power away…

…Even in the ways we grow and market our businesses.

👉 We give our power away to consultants who tell us we have to do A, B, and C in order to thrive.

👉 We give our power away to influencer coaches who tell us we have to invest X amount of dollars in order to experience the bliss that only they can conjure up.

👉 We give our power away even to external signs, signals, cards, the stars to align, or anything outside of us that proves to us we’re doing this right.

Let me tell you something: Prosperity is an inside job.

Which is why my methods always begin and end with you in mind. Each method – The L.I.F.E. Method, the S.O.U.L. Method and the L.O.V.E. Method – are all acronyms and each letter stands for something to bring your awareness to. The methods work in tandem to support your marketing goals and help you divinely create your next steps, in an elevated, soulful and exciting way.

My upcoming workshop series is going to be like something I’ve never done before.

It’s going to be an experience. 🪄

I’m elevating the lessons, the workbooks and the entire structure.

I want it to feel like you’re coming home to yourself. Finally.

Let’s start the rest of the year in a big, dynamic way. See you in August!

Oh, and to make it easier on you to invest in this offering…

  • If you are unable to attend in person, i will make arrangements for you to attend live via Zoom.
  • And most importantly: if you don’t get what you need from this series the first time around, I’ll invite you back for the next round, completely free of charge. Details for this will be provided at the first workshop.

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