Time to Get Off the Vague Train

Time to Get Off the Vague Train

What’s the vague train? Well, it’s when what you’re selling is not what you’re actually selling.

You’ve heard it all before….
😝 “I help you get to 5 figure months.”
😝 “I help you embody your next level life.”
😝 “I help you become who you were meant to be.”
😝 “I help you unleash your inner CEO.”
😝 “I help you heal yourself.”

Listen, I’ve been on the “vague train” before, so I’m not bashing anyone for using this lingo.

But it wasn’t until I created my own marketing methods that I realized what we’re truly selling is not any of the above.

These are simply the by-products of our work. 

We all (to varying degrees) help people make more money, save more time, become happier, healthier, and live with more ease and more peace. 

What we need to get crystal clear on is the specific transformation we provide. And, more often than not, it does not include any of the above. 

There’s something you offer that only you can offer. It’s that *thing* that happens the moment you’re working and it lights you up. It gives you a shiver up your spine and that feeling of: “this is it, this is what I’m meant to do. This is how I’m meant to help.” This is the transformation you provide. This is the moment that matters. 

It’s there, and that’s what you need to focus on selling.

This not only brings more of the right people to your work. It creates *massive* clarity all around, making your marketing not only easy and efficient, but *ethical.*

In other words, you don’t have to feel like you are BS’ing around anymore. 

You don’t have to blur the lines by sharing what you think you do or what you hope you do. This is what you actually do.

This is selling with soul.

Need some help with this? Head to the Get Guidance page of my website for the current Magic Marketing suite.

P.S. I know you’re excited about my Money Methods – I am too! They’re coming, but because they’re super sacred to me, I’m releasing them slowly and only in divine timing. More details for how you can get them at the get go coming soon!

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