Entrepreneur Pressure

Entrepreneur Pressure: Do You Need to Release It?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I can have more fun with my business, (sans pressure), asking: “How can I truly and authentically wake up every morning absolutely ecstatic and thrilled to start working?”

I’ve gotten a lot closer to that goal over the past year, but I’m at the point where I want to fully embody it. To find out how I’ve done that, click HERE.  

The most basic and simple solution I’ve received is… to release the pressure valve.

Do you embrace pressure? 

Because I surely do. And it takes a lot of conscious effort on my part to release it. 

I pivoted my business the way I did to get me closer to how I want to live day in and day out – without loads of pressure. It was a result of what I learned about myself in The L.I.F.E. Method™ mini course.

Over the last few months, I’ve worked with various coaches to help me step into this pivot with strength and grace and without the need to put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself. 

I gained loads of insight and experienced many breakthroughs, and one of the most profound realizations that I’ve made is that, while I pivoted to have more fun, flexibility, and freedom, I don’t always embrace it.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve only ever embraced pressure. I’ve always been a high-achiever, with highly critical and unrealistic standards of perfection.

And it only recently hit me that the most wonderful things in my life happened only when I released that pressure valve. And what’s more, I can have more fun while showing up if I allow myself to do so imperfectly.

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